15 August Independence Day Best Quotes, Wishes, Images, History

15 August Independence Day Quotes, and Wishes

15th of August marks the celebration of Independence Day in India. On this day in 1947 Indian Independence Act was formed, which ended the Century long British Rule in India and divided it in two separate nations – India and Pakistan. Here, it is relevant to quote that Pakistan celebrates its independence day one day before India i.e. on 14th of August. In this article, you will find a good account of 15 August Independence Day Quotes, Wishes, Images, History.

15th August Independence Day Quotes, and Wishes

“We earned our independence via a great deal of struggle; we must never take it for granted.” “Happy Independence Day!”.

“On this Independence Day, let us salute our nation.” Bharat Mata Ki Jai, Bharat Mata Ki Jai, Bharat Mata Ki Jai.

My love for my country knows no bounds. My passion for my people knows no bounds. All I want for my country is for it to be happy. Allow me to be the first to wish you a very “Happy Independence Day!”

This Independence Day, let’s light up the sky. “Happy Independence Day!”.

We are born with the ability to live our lives as God intended. You have something that no one can take away. Let us rejoice in our liberties! “Happy Independence Day!”

“This day is unique for a reason that we all understand. It gave us freedom and happiness, which we would never sell for anything else, right? “Happy Independence Day!”

“After a long struggle, we are now self-sufficient, and we are proud of who we are.” “Happy Independence Day!”.

Imagine a day when you didn’t have the right to be free. It is necessary for our survival. So, let’s rejoice in our country’s independence!

Wishing you and your family a “Happy Independence Day!”,  Salute to India!

“What you do now determines your future” – Happy Independence Day!

Every soul yearns for liberation.! “Happy Independence Day!”

Being an Indian by birth is a blessing. “Happy Independence Day!”

15th August Quotes

Thousands of people have given their lives so that our country can commemorate this day. Never forget what they gave up. “Happy Independence Day!”

Never let freedom slip from your grasp. “Happy Independence Day!”

A legitimate country is one that is independent. “Happy Independence Day!”

As Indians, we must never forget how difficult it was to achieve independence. “Happy Independence Day!”.

Looking back, we fought a valiant struggle, and now, look at us, we are a valiant nation. ” Happy Independence Day!”

“Today is the day that our nation sings openly, today is the day that our liberty bells ring aloud, today is the day that we begin to recall and celebrate our independence for what we actually stand for.” “Happy Independence Day!”.

“Thousands of individuals gave their life so that our country could breathe this day; we must never forget their sacrifice… “Happy Independence Day!”.

Freedom is only a word, yet it is extremely tough to obtain. “Happy Independence Day!”.

Mera Bharat Mahaan, Mera Desh Meri Shaan. “Happy Independence Day!”.

“Today is a day to be cheerful, today is a day to be independent, and today is a day to be celebrated, so Happy Independence Day!”

I’d want to congratulate all Indians on this special day. I wish you a wonderful “Happy Independence Day!”.

Freedom is a unique and priceless gift from freedom fighters to us. “Happy Independence Day!”.

Independence Day Captions, WahtsApp Status

Nothing is great at first, but it improves with time. “Happy Independence Day!”.

“Let us all to be extremely proud to be a citizen of India.” “Happy Independence Day!”.

We all desired to be self-sufficient. “Happy Independence Day!”.

The soul’s oxygen is freedom. “Happy Independence Day!”.

Liberty is the lifeblood of nations. “Happy Independence Day!”.

We should be grateful to all Indian freedom heroes who fought the British and gave us an independent India. Happy Independence Day!

Independence Day Celebrations, History, and Facts

On this day, Independence day is celebrated with great fever across the country. Prime minister of India visits Red Fort in old Delhi for flag hosting ceremony. Similarly, all the Indian states and Union Territories chief ministers and Lieutenant Generals celebrate it by flag hosting, cultural programs, and road march. Schools students carry tricolor flag and participate in various cultural programs.

15 August Independence Day Quotes, Wishes, Images, History
15 August Independence Day Quotes, Wishes, Images, History

People show homage to the great martyrs, freedom fighters, and leaders under the guidance of whom India got independence. People in general participate in flag hosting ceremonies, spend time with friends and family members, go to picnic, watch patriotic movies, and listen famous nationalist songs.

August 15 is a public holiday throughout India.

In the evening the President of India delivers “Address to the Nation” speech.

Independence Day Future Calendar

YearWeekdayDate, Event
2017Tuesday15 August, Independence Day
2018Wednesday15 August, Independence Day
2019Thursday15 August, Independence Day
2020Saturday15 August, Independence Day
2021Sunday15 August, Independence Day
2022Monday15 August, Independence Day
2023Tuesday15 August, Independence Day
2024Thursday15 August, Independence Day
2025Friday15 August, Independence Day
2026Saturday15 August, Independence Day
2027Sunday15 August, Independence Day
15 August Independence Day Quotes, Wishes, Images, History

India had got Independence from British Rule after a long struggle and sacrifice of thousands of freedom fighters. On August 15, 2021, India celebrated its 75th Independence Day. India’s freedom owns much to the unparalleled sacrifice of freedom fighters like Bhagat Singh, Chandra Shekhar Azad, Subhas Chandra Bose and thousands of more who sacrificed their lives and went into oblivion.

Mahatma Gandhi’s Non-violent movement also proved to be a final jolt for British rule and finally India got Independence on August 15, 1947. Jawahar Lal Nehru became the first Prime Minister of India.

Public Life on August 15

Independence Day is a gazetted holiday in India on August 15 each year. National, state and local government offices, post offices and banks are closed on this day. Stores and other businesses and organizations may be closed or have reduced opening hours. Public transport is usually unaffected as many locals travel for celebrations.

Background of August 15

India got its independence after a long struggle and sacrifice of uncountable freedom fighters. The main story dates back to 1857 with Sepoy Mutiny in Merrut (Uttar Pradesh). The movement took momentum when the Indian National Congress and other political organizations launched a countrywide independence movement, under the apt leadership of Mahatma Gandhi. At last, on August 15, 1947, colonial powers were transferred to India.

India gained liberty at mid night with the transfer of colonial powers to India at 11 pm on August 15, 1947. Pandit Jawahar lal Nehru became the first Prime Minister of India. He gave his first speech in free India, better known as, “Tryst with Destiny”, and marked the beginning of a new era, ending over 200 years British Rule in India.

Major Symbols of Independence Day

There are numerous symbols which symbolize Independence Day:

Independence Day : The sport of kite flying, and Red Fort (at New Delhi where Indian Flag was first unveiled by Jawahar Lal Nehru on August 15, 1947).

Free Spirit of India : The skies dotted with countless kites flown from rooftops and fields

Indian National Flag Design Elements

India’s national flag is a horizontal tricolor of deep saffron (kesaria) at the top, white in the middle and dark green at the bottom in equal proportion. The ratio of the flag’s width to its length is two to three. A navy-blue wheel in the center of the white band represents the chakra. Its design is that of the wheel which appears on the abacus of the Sarnath Lion Capital of Ashoka. Its diameter approximates to the white band’s width and it has 24 spokes.

When was 75th Independence Day Celebrated in India?

India celebrated its 75th Independence Day on August 15, 2021.

What target did Prime Minister of India said on this occasion?

While delivering his speech on this day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi set target to build a new India before 100th year of independence.

What is the 75th Independence Day called?

To mark the 75th Independence Day, India celebrates it as “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav”  between 2021 to 2022.

What was the theme of 75th Independence Day?

“Nation First, Always First” is the theme of India’s 75th Independence Day celebrations at the Red Fort from where Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the nation.

15th August Independence Day Rare Facts

On August 15, 2021, India celebrated its 75th Independence Day. India’s freedom owns much to the great sacrifice of freedom fighters like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Bhagat Singh, Chandra Shekhar Azad, Subhas Chandra Bose and thousands of others who sacrificed their lives and went into oblivion.

National Anthem: “Jan Gan Man” (original name “Bharto Bhagyo Bidhata”) was adopted by the Constituent Assembly of India as a national anthem on January 24, 1950. The original song was composed by the Noble Laureate Rabindranath Tagore.

National Flag: The current Indian national flag also has three colors :

1. Safron

2. White

3. Green (with the Ashok Chakra at the middle)

Special Points:

  • The ratio of the flag’s width to its length is two to three.
  • The wheel (Ashok Chakra) color is navy-blue which is placed at the center of the white band. Its design is taken from the Sarnath Lion Capital of Ashoka. It has 24 spokes.

On July 22, 1947, the national flag of India was officially adopted and hoisted on  August 15, 1947. It was officially Originally, India’s current national flag was designed by freedom fighter Pingali Venkayya in 1921, it had three horizontal stripes of red, yellow, and green. It was first hoisted on August 7, 1906, at Parsee Bagan Square in Calcutta (now known as Kolkata).

More Facts you should Know

  • It may be a surprise to today’s generation, but it is a fact that Goa still remained a colony of Portuguese colony for many decades even after India’s independence. In fact, Goa was annexed to India by the Indian Army only in 1961. Hence, you can say that Goa was the last state to join the Indian Territory.
  • There are Five other countries which celebrate independence on August 15 along with India. They are Bahrain, North Korea, South Korea and Liechtenstein.

National Flag Manufacturing and Supply

To maintain high quality and uniformity of Indian National Flag, it is manufactured and supplied from one place. Only The Karnataka Khadi Gramodyoga Samyukta Sangha (KKGSS) has the authority to manufacture and supply the Indian national flag. It is, located at Dharwad in Karnataka. As per the BIS ( Bureau of Indian Standards ) norms, the Indian National Flag is manufactured only with hand-spun and hand woven cotton khadi wafting.

Major Places Associated with India’s Independence

Red Fort, Delhi
Red Fort is declared World Heritage Site by The UNESCO . Every year, the Indian Prime Minister hoists the National Flag here on Independence Day. On arrival at Red Fort, Prime Minister receives salutes from all the three wings of the Defense Forces viz. Indian Army, Indian Air Force, and Indian Navy as well as from the Delhi Police.

Twenty-one Honorary gunshots are also fired and the Indian National Anthem is played, as the Prime Minister of India hoists flag. Flag Hoisting is followed by the PM speech. Patriotic parades and pageants, along with performances by school children make the event unforgettable.

In this context, it is important to note that the first Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru delivered the first Independence Day speech in 1947 at Red Fort.

India Gate, Delhi
A significant landmark of Delhi as well prominently highlighted  on the map of India, India Gate is a standing tribute to the brave soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the country. The names of 13,516 brave soldiers have been inscribed on the walls of India Gate, who sacrificed their lives in the  Northwestern Frontier in the Afghan war of 1919, besides 90,000 soldiers of the Indian Army who were martyred in World War I. 

 In the year 1971, to pay tribute to the brave soldiers who lost their lives during the Indo-Pak War in December 1971., Amar Jawan  Jyoti, made up of marble, was placed in front of India Gate.

Today, India Gate, with its lush green, beautiful lawns, has become a popular picnic place for families. At night, India Gate is bathed in pleasant golden light making it the best time to visit and enjoy.

Raj Ghat, Delhi
Raj Ghat is basically a place where Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi was cremated on January 31, 1948. Raj Ghat is lying on the banks of the river Yamuna. Adjacent to Raj Ghat, an eternal flame also stands prominently reminding us Mahatma Gandhi’s preaching of non-violence and peace.

Nathu Ram Godse shot Mahatma Gandhi dead for some of his acts which he considered anti-India. While dying, Mahatma Gandhi uttered the words “He Ram”, hence, these two letters have been inscribed on the memorial.

Besides, various trees have been planted by dignitaries like Queen Elizabeth II, former US president D. Eisenhower, former Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitman etc., and bear their names on a plaque.

Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar
Jallianwala Bagh, located in Amritsar, Punjab is a living, iconic monument of British’s atrocities on the innocent people of India. Spread across 7 acres, Jaliyawala  Bagh, on April 13, 1919, saw the worst massacre among the human history when General O’Dyer ordered British soldiers to open fire on thousands of Indians, killing over about 2000 innocent men, women, and children.

Better known as the Jallianwala Bagh massacre or the Amritsar massacre, this incident proved to be a jolt to the Indian Freedom Movement. The incident took place on the auspicious day of Baisakhi, when 15,000 to 20,000 people had gathered to celebrate the Punjabi festival of harvest in this park. Some people had also joined the celebration and were about to hold a peaceful demonstration against the repressive Rowlatt Act that provided for stricter control of the press, arrests without warrant and indefinite detention without trial.

Furious over the information that some people are gathered and are conducting a meeting against the suppressive act, the British soldiers surrounded the park, and opened ruthless firing, on General O’Dyer’s orders. Indiscriminate gun shots were fired over men, women and children. Even today, the wall near the end of the park still holds around 36 bullets marks.

Scared of the open firing, hundreds of people jumped into a well in the park and lost their life by suffocation and drowning.

In the nightmarish memory of the incident, Indian government has constructed a Martyr’s Gallery in Jaliyawala Bagh, where the story of this brutal massacre is vividly told.

The incident made Indians furious, and led to the Non-cooperation Movement of 1920-22 by Mahatma Gandhi. Mahatma Gandhi declared, “The impossible men of India shall rise and liberate their motherland.”

Rabindra Nath Tagore, a noble laureate, returned his knighthood to the British and wrote, “This disproportionate severity of punishment inflicted upon the unfortunate people and method of carrying it out is without parallel in the history of civilized government.”

Wagah Border, Amritsar
The Wagah Border, on the Indian and Pakistani border, is an army outpost. It is located between the cities of Amritsar and Lahore (Pakistan).

It is around 28 km from Amritsar and is one of the main access points overland to the neighboring country of Pakistan.

Traditionally, Beating the Retreat ceremony, held here every year on 15th August.  During the Beating Retreat ceremony, an infantryman stands at attention on both sides of the gate, and then the gates are flung open. Afterwards, two soldiers, one each from India and Pakistan, approach each other exchange fierce looks by mimicking anger. Later on, they shake hands and begin to lower both the Indian and the Pakistani flags on either side.

On the Indian side of the border stands a huge gate with encryption reading ‘Swarn Jayanti Dwar’ (Golden Jubilee Gate) stands proudly on the Indian side. People sing national song and dance on the lowering of the national flag ceremony, which is a major event on this day. Lights are lit in the evening as the patriotic fervor peaks on Indian border. 

Thousands of people gathered at the Wagah Border from both countries every year to enjoy the event.

Cellular Jail, Andaman and Nicobar Islands
This a prison in Port Blair where Indian freedom fighters were imprisoned under inhuman conditions.

Now, it has been converted into a national memorial, construction of which was completed in 1906. It is called cellular because it was constructed to host only individual cells for solitary confinement.

*The cell in which freedom fighter Veer Savarkar (Vinayak Damodar Savarkar) was housed has his rough blanket, a bowl, his bare bed, etc., to show how the inmates lived. His cell overlooked the hanging yard, where prisoners condemned to death were executed.

This jail is now a place of importance for visitors seeking to understand that dark period in India’s history and pay homage to the martyrs who suffered there. The sound and light show organized every evening is a crowd-puller and relives the history of the prison and its inmates. |

Sabarmati Gandhi Ashram, Ahmedabad
Mahatma Gandhi’s non-violent movement against the British rule was centered at Sabarmati Ashram.

Besides, famous “Dandi March” also began from here. Major documents related to his non-violence movement, and the Dandi March, are displayed at the Gandhi Smarak  Sangrahalaya (museum).

The ashram shares land with “Hridaykunj” – where Mahatma Gandhi lived, Vinoba-Mira Kutir, a guest house, a prayer land. A training center for cottage industries is also housed in the premises of Sabarmati Gandhi Ashram. 

Anand Bhawan, Prayagraj  (Uttar Pradesh)
Motilal Nehru, father of first Indian Prime Minister and a renowned  lawyer had bought Swaraj Bhawan. It was once the residence of Nehru family.

Today, Anand Bhawan is a museum and it houses valuable artefact like books, personal belongings and rare photographs of Motilal Nehru, Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi. Indira Gandhi, daughter of Jawahar Lal Nehru was married here in 1942, who later donated Anand Bhawan to the Government of India in 1970. At that time she was serving as the prime Minister of India.


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