36 Best Barack Obama Quotes, Net Worth, Wiki Bio, Family

Barack Obama Quotes, Author of Dreams from My Father

In this article, you will find the best collection of Barack Obama Quotes. He is former USA President and Author of Dreams from My Father. His quotes are a great source of motivation for us all. Just read and share these quotes .

Barack Obama Quotes for Your Inspiration

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The United States is not, and never will be, at war with Islam.– Barack Obama

Issues are never simple. One thing I’m proud of is that very rarely will you hear me simplify the issues.– Barack Obama

I just miss – I miss being anonymous.– Barack Obama

My job is not to represent Washington to you, but to represent you to Washington.– Barack Obama

Focusing your life solely on making a buck shows a certain poverty of ambition. It asks too little of yourself. Because it’s only when you hitch your wagon to something larger than yourself that you realize your true potential. – Barack Obama

There is not a liberal America and a conservative America – there is the United States of America. There is not a black America and a white America and latino America and asian America – there’s the United States of America.– Barack Obama

With the changing economy, no one has lifetime employment. But community colleges provide lifetime employability. – Barack Obama

Money is not the only answer, but it makes a difference.– Barack Obama

Barack Obama Quotes in English

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. – Barack Obama

If you’re walking down the right path and you’re willing to keep walking, eventually you’ll make progress.– Barack Obama

In the end, that’s what this election is about. Do we participate in a politics of cynicism or a politics of hope?– Barack Obama

I’m the president of the United States. I’m not the emperor of the United States.– Barack Obama

My fellow Americans, we are and always will be a nation of immigrants. We were strangers once, too.– Barack Obama

If the people cannot trust their government to do the job for which it exists – to protect them and to promote their common welfare – all else is lost.– Barack Obama

Let us remember we are all part of one American family. We are united in common values, and that includes belief in equality under the law, basic respect for public order, and the right of peaceful protest.– Barack Obama

Inspiring Quotes of Barack Obama

I don’t oppose all wars. What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war.– Barack Obama

I just want to go through Central Park and watch folks passing by. Spend the whole day watching people. I miss that.– Barack Obama

We want everybody to act like adults, quit playing games, realize that it’s not just my way or the highway.– Barack Obama

We need to internalize this idea of excellence. Not many folks spend a lot of time trying to be excellent.– Barack Obama

I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage. But when you start playing around with constitutions, just to prohibit somebody who cares about another person, it just seems to me that’s not what America’s about. Usually, our constitutions expand liberties, they don’t contract them.– Barack Obama

It was the labor movement that helped secure so much of what we take for granted today. The 40-hour work week, the minimum wage, family leave, health insurance, Social Security, Medicare, retirement plans. The cornerstones of the middle-class security all bear the union label.– Barack Obama

Understand, our police officers put their lives on the line for us every single day. They’ve got a tough job to do to maintain public safety and hold accountable those who break the law.– Barack Obama

You know, my faith is one that admits some doubt.– Barack Obama

I’m a warrior for the middle class.– Barack Obama

The future rewards those who press on. I don’t have time to feel sorry for myself. I don’t have time to complain. I’m going to press on.– Barack Obama

Why can’t I just eat my waffle?– Barack Obama In a world of complex threats, our security and leadership depends on all elements of our power – including strong and principled diplomacy.– Barack Obama

I mean, I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money. – Barack Obama

In a world of complex threats, our security and leadership depends on all elements of our power – including strong and principled diplomacy.– Barack Obama

I mean, I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money. – Barack Obama

I mean, I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money.– Barack Obama

A good compromise, a good piece of legislation, is like a good sentence; or a good piece of music. Everybody can recognize it. They say, ‘Huh. It works. It makes sense.’ – Barack Obama

I found this national debt, doubled, wrapped in a big bow waiting for me as I stepped into the Oval Office.– Barack Obama

To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets.– Barack Obama

We proved that we are still a people capable of doing big things and tackling our biggest challenges.– Barack Obama

I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone – and I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions and administrative actions that move the ball forward.– Barack Obama


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