Easter 2023 | Easter Images, Quotes, Greetings for Your Love

In this article you will find the best Easter Images, Quotes, Greetings for Your Love. You will find here complete details about Easter background, Easter Quotes, and Images. So, Enjoy reading the article. And, you can use the quotes, messages, images as per your choice, absolutely free.

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Easter 2023 | Easter Images, Quotes, Greetings

When is Easter 2023 ?

April 9 ( Sunday )

When was Easter 2022 ?

Easter was on April 17, 2022 (Sunday).

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Easter Easter Images, Quotes, Greetings for Your Love
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Easter Easter Images, Quotes, Greetings for Your Love
Easter   Easter Images, Quotes, Greetings for Your Love
Easter Easter Images, Quotes, Greetings for Your Love

What is Easter?

Easter is a time of celebration. It is a happy time where the whole family gathers together to eat and enjoy one another’s company. It’s also traditional for there to be an Easter egg hunt, where children search for eggs that have been hidden around the house or yard.

Although Easter has always been about Jesus’s resurrection, it didn’t become a holiday until the 17th century. People used to celebrate Spring by decorating their homes with flowers and holding an egg-rolling contest. In addition, they would light fires in fireplaces and jump over them as part of a fertility rite.

Easter Quotes

“Easter is meant to be a symbol of hope, renewal, and new life.”- Clarence W. Hall

“The reappearance of the light is the same as the survival of the soul.”

“We proclaim the resurrection of Christ when his light illuminates the dark moments of our existence.”- Oscar Wilde

“Easter says you can put truth in a grave, but it won’t stay there.”- Craig D. Lounsbrough

“Spring shows what God can do with a drab and dirty world.”- Albert Lighton

“Where man sees but withered leaves, God sees sweet flowers growing.”- Henry Wadsworth

” ‘Twas Easter-Sunday. The full-blossomed trees filled all the air with fragrance and with joy.”

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Easter Easter Images, Quotes, Greetings for Your Love
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Easter Easter Images, Quotes, Greetings for Your Love
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Easter Easter Images, Quotes, Greetings for Your Love
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Easter Easter Images, Quotes, Greetings for Your Love
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Easter Easter Images, Quotes, Greetings for Your Love
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Easter Easter Images, Quotes, Greetings for Your Love

Related: Easter Greetings

The History of Easter

Easter, a Christian festival, is associated with the Resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after his Crucifixion in the Second century. 

Also known as  Ostern in German, Easter’s origin is not certain. According to the Venerable Bede (8th century) Easter was derived from Eostre, or Eostrae, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring and fertility.

However, Easter Sunday is considered by many Christians as the Jesus Christ’s resurrection day, vied the New Testament of the Christian bible. The Gospel of John in the New Testament says that Mary Magdalene came to the Jesus tomb and found it empty and that Jesus had risen.

Easter Date and its Controversies (Paschal Controversies)

In early Christianity, fixing the Easter date triggered a major controversy between eastern and western position. Also known as the Paschal controversies, the dispute could not be resolved until the 8th century.

In Asia Minor: Christians observed the day of the Crucifixion on the same day that Jews celebrated the Passover offering—that is, on the 14th day of the first full moon of spring, 14 Nisan in Asia minor. And the Resurrection was observed two days later i.e. on 16 Nisan (regardless of the day of the week).

In the West:  This is widely accepted by the churches, as per this theory the Resurrection of Jesus was celebrated on the first day of the week, Sunday, when Jesus had risen from the dead, the West. And, Easter was always celebrated on the first Sunday after the 14th day of the month of Nisan.

However, continued discussions among the leaders of Eastern Orthodox, Syriac Orthodox, Coptic, Anglican, and Roman Catholic churches failed to reach a formal agreement even in the early 21st century.

What are some of the most popular traditions associated with Easter?

Egg Rolling Contest: One of the most popular traditions for Easter is to have an “egg-rolling contest”. It is a game where people collect as many eggs as they can from a designated area and roll them back into a basket or container. The first person to collect all of the eggs wins. There are also games like egg roulette, where participants take turns spinning around until one of them is dizzy, and then they are required to break an egg on their forehead without spilling any of it. This tradition is said to be practiced in Eastern European countries like Romania.

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Easter Easter Images, Quotes, Greetings for Your Love
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Easter Easter Images, Quotes, Greetings for Your Love
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Easter Easter Images, Quotes, Greetings for Your Love

Egg Decorating: Another popular tradition for Easter, which has been practiced since the 17th century, is egg decorating. Eggs were originally decorated with natural dyes but these days they are more commonly colored with artificial food coloring. Some people decorate them with drawings, while others crack them open and dye the insides as well before they dry.

Easter egg hunt: Lastly, one more tradition that some people enjoy is having an Easter egg hunt. Children search for eggs that have been hidden around the house or yard after being told how many there are and what type of things might be inside of each one (chocolate coins, toys, etc.).

Q and A

What Does the Bible Have to Say About Easter?

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!” says 1 Peter 1:3. Through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave, he has given us fresh life and a living hope in his tremendous mercy.” 15:21 in 1 Corinthians: “Because death was brought about by a man, the resurrection of the dead is also brought about by a man.”

What are some interesting facts about Easter?

  • Bunny legend of Easter began in Germany
  • Easter was named after the Anglo-Saxon Goddess, Eostre
  • Every day, more than 1.5 million approx. Cadbury Creme Eggs are produced
  • A Ukrainian tradition is at the back of the origin of painting of eggs
  • The world’s largest Easter egg weighs in at 5000lbs
  • Pretzels is associated with Easter
  • In 1873, the UK’s first chocolate egg was produced in Bristol
  • It is illegal to dance on Good Friday in Germany
  • After the full moon following March 21, Easter is celebrated on the Sunday
  • An Easter egg sold for £9 million In 2007

Easter is celebrated by many Christians around the world with special church services, music, candlelight, flowers, and the ringing of church bells. Easter has a business aspect in addition to its religious significance.

Attend an Easter Parade…. Bake Easter Bread…. Decorate Easter Eggs…. Make an Easter Craft…. Eat Cadbury Eggs…. Eat a Chocolate Easter Bunny…. Eat Jelly Beans.

What is Easter’s true meaning?

The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus

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Easter Easter Images, Quotes, Greetings for Your Love
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Easter Easter Images, Quotes, Greetings for Your Love
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Easter Easter Images, Quotes, Greetings for Your Love

Easter began as a pagan spring festival in the Northern Hemisphere long before Christianity. “People have revered the equinoxes and solstices as sacred periods since prehistoric times,” said Carole Cusack of the University of Sydney.

For Christians, Easter is the holiest day of the year. It commemorates their faith in Jesus Christ’s resurrection, or ascension from the dead. The religion of Christianity was founded by Jesus. In the spring, Easter is usually celebrated on a Sunday, but the date varies.

Why do we have Easter eggs in kindergarten?

Eggs are considered to have become a component of Easter celebrations because they signify fresh life and rebirth. Eating eggs was outlawed during Lent (the 40 days preceding Easter) in the mediaeval period, so digging into an egg on Easter Sunday was a tremendous pleasure!

Some say it all started when Protestant reformer Martin Luther organized egg hunts for his congregation in the late 16th century. The eggs would be hidden by the males for the women and children to discover. This was an allusion to the resurrection tale, in which women discovered the empty tomb.

Why do we color Easter Eggs?

Many accounts claim that the Christian practice of Easter eggs was borrowed from Persian tradition by the early Christians of Mesopotamia, who dyed them red “in commemoration of Christ’s blood spilt at His death.“

What is the purpose of hiding Easter eggs?

In 16th-century Germany, the Easter egg chase became a custom. Martin Luther held egg hunts for his congregation at the church, where the women and children would search for eggs hidden by the men around the grounds. This custom represents the ladies who discovered the tomb empty following Jesus’ resurrection.

What are the three biblical festivals?

The Lord instructed everyone of Israel to celebrate three annual feasts in Jerusalem: Passover, Shavuot (Pentecost), and Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles). Every feast is referred to as a “holy convocation,” regardless of when or how it is observed.

What is the Bible’s take on rabbits?

The rabbit does not have a split hoof, even if it chews the cud; it is dirty for you. And the pig, despite having a perfectly divided split hoof, does not chew the cud; it is dirty for you. You must not eat their flesh or handle their carcasses since they are unfit for consumption.

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Easter Easter Images, Quotes, Greetings for Your Love
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Easter Easter Images, Quotes, Greetings for Your Love
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Easter Easter Images, Quotes, Greetings for Your Love

What is the real name of the Easter Bunny?

Cottontail Peter.

“Peter Rabbit” was the character’s real name, and he was created by author Beatrix Potter, who named him after her childhood pet rabbit Peter Piper. According to a 1944 Life magazine article, “Burgess tried briefly to call his rabbit Peter Cottontail.”

The Easter Bunny’s origins can be traced back to the Germanic peoples of Europe, who introduced the Osterhase—a rabbit who gave Easter gifts to children—sometime before the 17th century.

Is it a boy or a female that is the Easter Bunny?


Note : Easter traditions began with a female Easter Bunny.

The rabbit has a reputation for being a prolific breeder. As a result, the Easter rabbit is intended to symbolize life.

Do Catholics refer to Easter as Resurrection Day?

Easter is the most important Christian holiday. Christians commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave on Easter Sunday. Easter Sunday marks the completion of Lent, a 40-day period of prayer, fasting, and alms giving for Catholics.

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Easter Easter Images, Quotes, Greetings for Your Love
Easter   Easter Images, Quotes, Greetings for Your Love
Easter Easter Images, Quotes, Greetings for Your Love

What is the significance of Easter Monday?

For Christians, Easter Monday is significant because it follows Easter Sunday, the day Jesus Christ was resurrected after his crucifixion on Good Friday.

What is the customary Easter food?

Easter Food Traditions from Around the World to Try

Deviled Eggs are a delicious appetizer. Around the world, eggs are a traditional Easter food…. Hot Cross Buns…. Honey-Mustard Glazed Ham…. Carrots…. Babka…. Lemon Bars…. Italian Wedding Soup…. Jollof.

What role does the Easter Bunny have in the life of Jesus?

What do they have to do with Jesus’ resurrection, exactly? Nothing, to be precise. Easter eggs, bunnies, and fluffy yellow chicks in gardening hats all have pagan origins. Separate from the Christian tradition of commemorating the day Jesus Christ rose from the grave, they were included into the Easter celebration.

What were the holidays that Jesus observed?

Holidays Jesus Rejoiced were as under:

  • Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread were observed by Jesus.
  • The Feast of First Fruits was fulfilled by Jesus.
  • Shavuot was mentioned by Jesus (Pentecost).
  • The Feast of Trumpets was foreshadowed by Jesus.
  • The Day of Atonement was fulfilled by Jesus (Yom Kippur).
  • The Feast of Tabernacles was observed by Jesus (Sukkot).

After Easter, where did Jesus go?


He ascended to Heaven after appearing to his disciples and calling the apostles to the Great Commission of proclaiming the Gospel of eternal salvation through his death and resurrection.

What is Santa’s connection to Jesus?

The Christian figures Santa Claus and Jesus are both associated with Christianity. Christianity is rooted on Jesus’ life and teachings, while Santa Claus is based on Saint Nicholas, an early Christian bishop who is a patron saint of children, among other things.

Take Away

These are many traditions and customs associated with Easter. There’s even a bunny on the moon for Easter.

There’s so much to discover about Easter and the many different ways that it is celebrated. So, if you need some inspiration for your own celebration, we’ve got everything covered in this article. This article also includes details on easter quotes, happy easter images, easter wishes, happy easter images, free happy easter quotes, easter wishes for family and friends