Good Friday Quotes 2024 | Wishes, Messages Podcast

Good Friday Quotes

You will find here the best Good Friday Quotes, Wishes, Greetings, Messages Podcast, Gifs, Videos to send to your loved ones, and make the event unforgettable.

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Good Friday Best Quotes

“For he says, “In the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you.” I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation. 2 Corinthians 6:2”

― New International Version Bible

 “Maybe the Good Friday story is about how God would rather die than be in our sin-accounting business anymore.”

– Nadia Bolz-Weber, Pastrix

“For he was teaching his disciples, saying to them, “The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men, and they will kill him. And when he is killed, after three days he will rise.” – Mark 9:31

“Easter is a time when God turned the inevitability of death into the invincibility of life.” – Craig D. Lounsbrough

“What is good about Good Friday? Why isn’t it called Bad Friday? Because out of the appallingly bad came what was inexpressibly good. And the good trumps the bad, because though the bad was temporary, the good is eternal.” – Randy Alcorn

Related: Good Friday | Definition, History, Meaning, Facts, & Traditions

“We focus on Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday, but we forget to pause in the stillness of the days between. Find time today to be present in that place of waiting. There is treasure to be found in the sacred peace that comes as you breathe in that place of quiet surrender. Don’t rush through the space called “Between.” – Katherine J Walden

“How great is the love of God! He loved me long before I knew His name. He wooed me, chased me, enthralled me, and captured my heart. He didn’t prove His love at a candlelight dinner. There were no long-stemmed roses, but there were thorns. Yes, there were thorns.” – Katherine J Walden

Good Friday Quotes for Your Loved Ones

“Good Friday was when the Good was crucified but then on Easter the Good arose back…. So wait to realize that be it God or be it human the good never perishes it’s rises above.” – Amit Abraham

“The beauty of the cross and our crucified Lord cannot be easily fathomed by human mind or by barely reading scriptures in bits, but by careful reading of entire scripture in the spirit which will in turn engulf one with wisdom n love.” – Henrietta Newton Martin

 “In this sublime hour, therefore, He calls all His children to the pulpit of the Cross, and every word He says to them is set down for the purpose of an eternal publication and an undying consolation.” – Fulton J. Sheen

“Crucified Love lives with us today and till the end of times, as He promised.Amen.The beauty of the cross and our crucified Lord cannot be easily fathomed by human mind or by barely reading scriptures in bits, but by careful reading of entire scripture in the spirit which will in turn engulf one with wisdom and love.” – Henrietta Newton Martin

“May your Good Friday be blessed with the presents of Jesus on your lips, and his never ending grace in your heart. May his grace surround your family, and fill your lives with peace, health and happiness.” – Ron Baratono

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“The beauty of the cross and our crucified Lord cannot be easily fathomed by human mind or by barely reading scriptures in bits, but by careful reading of entire scripture in the spirit which will in turn engulf one with wisdom and love.” – Henrietta Newton Martin

 “The dripping blood our only drink,

The bloody flesh our only food:

In spite of which we like to think

That we are sound, substantial flesh and blood–

Again, in spite of that, we call this Friday good.”

– T.S. Eliot

“When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, “It is finished,” and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.” – John 19:30

“You can’t pluck even my hairs until I am alive, once I am dead, gather them and keep it in your museum in the name of God”

– P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

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Good Friday Best Quotes for Your Friends

“Jesus Christ Our Lord who died for us so that we may live,He Resurrected that we may have life eternal.Can we ever be unfaithful to that sacrifice and fail to declare Him alone as our Lord? Something to ponder upon!” – Henrietta Newton Martin-Legal Professional & Author

“Jesus Christ Our Lord, died for us so that we may live. He Resurrected ,so that we may have life eternal.Can we ever be unfaithful to that sacrifice and fail to declare Him alone as our Lord? Something to ponder upon!”- Henrietta Newton Martin , Legal Advisor & Author

“Jesus Christ Our Lord, died for us so that we may live. He Resurrected ,so that we may have life eternal.Can we ever be unfaithful to that sacrifice and fail to declare Him alone as our Lord? Something to ponder upon!” – Henrietta Newton Martin – Legal Counsel & Author

“God’s Act of Love is the perfect and the deepest, he completely offered his blood to soak your skin, amen”. – P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

“The cross is not the terrible end to an otherwise god fearing and happy life, but it meets us at the beginning of our communion with Christ.” – Dietrich Bonhoeffer


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