Motivation Psychology: 8 Best Types of Motivation for You

Motivation Psychology, Types of Motivation

Motivation is the word derived from the word ’motive’ which means needs, desires, wants, or drives within the individuals. It is the process of stimulating people to action to accomplish the goals. This article gives a good account of Motivation Psychology, Types of Motivation.

Understanding Motivation Psychology

What is Motivation Psychology?

In the work goal context, the psychological factors stimulating people’s behavior can be – the desire for money, success, etc. We may not consider those as needs or wants of life but they actually push an individual to achieve his or her target.

Importance of Motivation in Psychology

Motivation is an internal process that makes a person move toward a goal. There are two main types of motivation, extrinsic and intrinsic. Extrinsic motivation comes from outside of the individual. Extrinsic motivation is an external reward for doing well. This includes positive feedback and grades.

Intrinsic motivation originates from within and relates to satisfying personal desires such as the desire to learn well or the desire to be creative.

To be precise, motivation is the process that initiates, guides, and maintains goal-oriented behaviors. Motivation is what causes you to act, whether it is getting a glass of water to reduce thirst or reading a book to gain knowledge.

Motivation involves the biological, emotional, social, and cognitive forces that activate behavior. In everyday usage, the term motivation is frequently used to describe why a person does something. For example, you might say that a student is so motivated to get into a clinical psychology program that she spends every night studying.

You can get yourself motivated by practicing self-motivation by knowing your capability and your worth. Be brave to do anything you want as long as it doesn’t hurt others. Motivate yourself in a positive way such as by doing exercises, having a good diet, making good friends, and many more.

What are the different types of Motivations?

Broadly speaking, there are 8 types of motivation:

1. Incentive or reward-based Motivation

Incentive motivation is when you are motivated to perform a task because of the potential reward. It is a phenomenon in which there is an increase in the frequency of a behavior by reinforcement from external stimuli that also serve as rewards.

Incentives are positive things, such as rewards and privileges that motivate someone to do something. If you want to get a message through to your kids, add an incentive – it makes the message more enticing.

Incentive or reward-based motivation is typically utilized for physical activities, such as exercise or eating a healthy meal. Given the need for greater internal motivation for cognitive training, incentive-based motivation may be less helpful and even has the potential to backfire. For example, financial rewards may create negative associations with the material being learned, rather than help engage in the needed practice.

Incentives are usually rewards, but they may also be punishments; they are offered to change behavior or action. Sometimes incentives are defined as anything that motivates or attracts an individual. Most companies use incentives to motivate their employees and reward them for their performance.

There are many kinds of incentives – monetary and non-monetary. Mutual funds, insurance companies, and other financial intermediaries also offer incentives to attract new investors but care should be taken before choosing the best package for you.

2. Achievement-based Motivation

Achievement-based motivation focuses on accomplishing tasks and solving problems. This form of motivation is conducive to learning, but it is not born out of intense passion.

Parents who strive to raise achievement-motivated children do so by setting goals, rewarding success, and instilling values that promote personal development. Children are encouraged to make their own decisions, but they receive guidance and counseling along the way.

Because achievement-based motivation is moderate, it often lasts into adulthood, making people feel content without pushing them toward extreme behavior.

In psychology, achievement motivation is the drive to improve abilities or meet a standard of excellence. It can include learning many new things in school, trying to win at sports, or taking on challenging hobbies.

Achievement-based motivation can lead to someone becoming an expert in their field or developing a mastery of a skill.

Students’ perceptions of what it means to learn and complete a task, as well as their perception of the consequences of failure or success, are key to achievement motivation.

3. Power-based Motivation

Power-based motivation is a form of motivation where people are motivated by the desire to dominate others or control the environment. This type of motivation was coined by individuals who were studying for their Ph.D. in psychometrics and involved creating a system for determining how personality traits define another human being.

Power-based motivation stems from the desire for reward or to avoid punishment.  It is an extrinsic interest-based in the drive for dominance and competition. 

Power-based motivation is going through life looking to find power and control over others. People motivated by this style want to control the decision-making of others, they want to influence others, even when it’s unnecessary, people or organizations tend to focus on how decisions will impact them rather than the overall benefit.

In fact, power-based motivation is focused on a person’s sense of his or her own strength, capability, and self-determination.

For example, someone who remains motivated to complete a project at work because he/she sets goals and commits to them, or someone who continues with a fitness regimen despite challenges because he/she believes that by doing so he will become stronger and more resilient. These are people whose motivation stems from their sense of power.

4. Fear-based Motivation

Fear-based motivation is a motivational technique that uses fear as a primary tool to change the behavior of people in order to achieve specific goals.  Fear-based motivation can include the use of actual fear, threats, intimidation, or the fear of punishment.

It is considered an extrinsic motivator as opposed to intrinsic motivators that use positive reinforcement and satisfaction to encourage behavior changes.

Fear-based motivation is also known as coercive motivation. This type of motivation involves the use of reward, punishment or manipulation by the management to motivate the employees. Positively, this motivating factor works great.

For example, one of my friends is working in a local garment industry based on fear-based motivation and he has always been performing well.

But this type of motivation can only be effective in urgent circumstances. Generally, fear-based motivation is difficult to sustain.

There are two basic types of motivation: a positive motivational push, and a negative motivational pull. Fear-based motivation involves a negative motivational pull that occurs when we experience fear and anxiety motivating us to stay away from certain situations or events.

To be precise, fear-based motivation typically works in the short term but doesn’t help you much in the long run. Fear can motivate someone to hit a deadline out of fear of being fired, but that probably won’t inspire anyone to strive for greatness.

Fear can also cause someone to perform poorly because they’re so scared they get nervous and make costly mistakes.

Nevertheless, fear-based motivation is an attempt by managers to get employees to do what they want by evoking an emotion (i.e. fear) to influence behavior. Such a tactic might include invoking the possibility of losing one’s job, for example, in order to motivate employees towards working harder and more productively. Fear appeals are often used in the practice of management.

5. Affiliation-based Motivation

Affiliation-based motivation simply means that a person gets his or her worth from interaction with and acceptance by others.

Affiliation-based motivation is driven by the need for interpersonal relationships and social belonging. People who have a high need for affiliation are concerned with others’ opinions and like to work in groups. They prefer jobs that include customer or employee contact or require teamwork. Most individuals have a balance of both motivations – this is an example of just one category!

Herzberg’s “Affiliation-based motivation” shows that people are motivated by relationships between employees and management, between employees and the larger group, and among employees themselves.

6. Competence-based Motivation

Competence-based motivation derives from the basis of fulfilling one’s needs. Pleasure is a major driving force in competence-based motivation because it increases one’s self-esteem and promotes personal growth.

This type of motivation tends to include working hard at accomplishing tasks, as well as making sure they are done properly. The reasons behind competence-based motivation differ greatly from other types of motivations.

A study conducted by Lepper and Stringer in 2000 observed that children who obtained competence from their schoolwork showed higher persistence rates than those who did not obtain such benefits or felt punished for their work.

Competence‐based Motivation gives students the opportunity to feel competent. These are assignments that encourage students to take risks and they must face challenges in order to succeed.

Students who are shown how to approach their difficulties with a positive attitude will boost their morale and determination, thus giving them the courage to challenge themselves further. The challenge you give them should be appropriate for their skill and knowledge level, encouraging them to work hard and develop strategies that will be useful in future tasks.

When a student has learned how to use various methods of approach, they become more confident developers of their own learning strategies. This is when competency-based learning comes into play: If one method does not work, try another one.

7. Attitude-based Motivation

Attitude-based motivation is a form of motivation based on one’s attitude. Attitude-based motivation is usually a positive or negative approach towards the topic matter.

A positive attitude towards something can be caused by just taking an interest in it and approaching it with more options to choose from. Being positive about something makes you more motivated and able to solve problems in an easier way.

In fact, it is about using the power of positive psychology and neurolinguistics to retrain our attitudes towards change and success.

The core belief is that everyone has the potential to be successful if they can master their attitude around taking it on.

Attitude-based motivation is quite distinct from outcome-based motivation. Attitude-based motivation is fuelled by trying to prompt the user to change their attitude toward a particular act whereas outcome-based motivations try to change the action itself in order to make it more desirable. Also, attitude-based motivation differs from outcome-motivation in that the former doesn’t translate into extrinsic rewards as often.

Attitude can come from someone’s initial reaction to the behavior or their subconscious, internalized beliefs, or morals. As an external motivation, environmental factors such as social situations, workgroups, stress levels.

It’s a philosophical mindset that encourages you to have a positive attitude. You don’t see any problem as being too big to handle.

8. Expectancy-based Motivation

Expectancy-based motivation is best described as the belief that you can do something and control the outcome of your actions. An individual with a strong sense of self-efficacy will approach tough tasks with the attitude that failure is a learning experience, not a personal failing.

Expectancy-based motivation is a cognitive process based on the belief that a selection of behaviors will lead to certain outcomes. Expectancy-based motivation is taken into account when evaluating what actions to take when the result has positive or negative consequences.

In this type of motivation, you should understand that people are expected to take action in order to achieve their goals.

This motivation may help people in making meaningful decisions based on their needs and expectations. Apart from that, one must take action rather than blaming others for not being able to achieve the results.

The individual has the power within himself or herself and they can achieve the results by performing out of their comfort zone and working towards the goal.

The theory postulates that people are motivated when they believe:

(1) their effort will lead to performance,

(2) the performance will lead to a good outcome, such as promotion or a salary raise, and

(3) the good outcome is valued by the individual.

It is also true that the majority of motivations stem from a negative source. They are non-conserving, auto-centric, and extrinsic desires.

  1. Non-conserving: It is the fear to win, survive or be healthy. In other words, it is the desire to avoid something unpleasant or negative.
  2. Auto-centric: It is a selfish sort of motivation that has more to do with fulfilling ego needs than anything else.
  3. Extrinsic desires: They are clearly externally motivated. They might be imposed by mainstream culture on all its members, even as individuals seem unaware of them (the cause), and may even be in conflict with their aspirations (the effect).

Recent studies have also shown that people want to work on a task they feel confident in completing.

Motivation vs Personality

Motivation and personality are normally considered two different things. However, some theoretical approaches to motivation attempt to determine and analyze the motivation for individuals’ behaviors, causes, and needs.

Motivation is how you feel and how you think. What do you value, and why do you value?. What moves you? What excites you?

Your values are your motivation for everything, whether it’s your relationship with a partner, your stance on an issue, the conversations you choose to have or start or don’t have.

Motivation is central to our daily lives, influencing our decision-making, learning, and productivity.

The Power of Motivation

In life, we all have dreams and a sense of direction. We’re pulled in many directions at once as we juggle work, family, relationships, and other obligations.

We live in a world that thrives on success, but it’s easy to become overwhelmed when trying to pursue our dreams.

A life motivator can give us the push we need to get back on track. They can make us look inside ourselves, hold up a mirror and inspire us to work towards our goals, no matter how big or small they might be.

If you want to live a happier and healthier life, you need to feed your mind with positive language. Words are powerful, and when we think of ourselves in a negative way, we are essentially making negative affirmations about ourselves.

The more badly we feel about ourselves, the more harmful thoughts our brain will have – so it’s important to create an ‘anti-dote’ that will counteract these bad thoughts.

Every time you find yourself speaking badly about yourself or something you fear doing (like exercise or eating well), try and catch yourself and use one of the motivation quotes or phrases to make a more positive affirmation.

The more you use these quotes, the more you will begin to completely re-wire your brain!

A motivational quotation is a powerful solution for people who prefer not to dig under the roots of their problems and to confront their inner demons.

However, it is easier to stand up and say, “Yes, I can!” if you have a powerful belief in your own words, thoughts, and actions.

What are the factors which Motivates you?

What inspires you to do great work? The answer to this question may include salary, company benefits, company reputation/brand, and job security.

Motivations can drive individuals to take action and the desire to achieve a goal.

Examples of potential motivations include the desire to earn more money, obtain new skills or knowledge, live in a different city, work with a more supportive team, get promotions or gain more project opportunities

Tell us your strengths, weakness, and an example of how you overcame a problem. Describe a challenging situation and how you used your communication skills to solve it. Share a time when you used your creativity to solve a difficult problem.

How to Find your Motivators?

The most important thing you can do is take the time to identify what motivates you.

Ask yourself ‘what kind of life do I want?’ Do you want a fancy car? A great house? Loads of money in your bank account? Get as specific as possible about what it is that you’re working towards.

Then, create a clear vision for how it will enhance your life by imagining how achieving this goal will transform your life and make it better.

Some people are motivated by their company’s mission and goals, but that’s not the case for everyone.

If you want to be at the top of your game in your role, it’s important that you understand what motivates you. To get started, I recommend you to think not just about your skills but also your passions, strengths, and weaknesses.

Developing a Motivating Routine

If you want to motivate yourself to achieve your goals and dreams, create a system for consistently pushing toward your goals. Make sure that you focus on the present and not dwell on failure.

We want to create a motivating routine to get the result you need.  You know how amazing it feels to be fit and healthy. You can stay motivated if you are fit and healthy.

However, it is easy to stop exercising or eating well after a while, which is not good.

Like most things, developing a fitness routine takes time and commitment, but it doesn’t have to be complicated.

Start slow, try taking a walk three times a week as part of your health plan. Go for 30 minutes each time. After a few weeks, consider adding some resistance training with weights or light stretchy bands (resistance tubing) at home, or on the strength equipment in your local gym.

Find something that motivates you to train consistently.

For me, it’s being able to eat more food every day. I can only eat so much of the same food so I need to stay busy.

If my routine work didn’t burn a significant amount of energy (fat) every day then I would easily gain weight. It’s not worth the effort if it’s not effective. You need to find something that motivates you or something that will keep you busy.

How to Stay Motivated During Difficult Times?

I can understand it is not easy to be motivated during hard times. But you need to remember that life goes on. Whenever you feel like giving up, think about how far you have come and all the reasons you shouldn’t stop now.

Difficult times can drag you down and make you feel helpless. Also, difficult times can be like a shark, smelling blood, and are ready for an attack. However, understanding how to stay motivated during difficult times is key to cleaning your wounds and moving forward.

When you’re going through a tough time, it is important to take care of yourself. Remember to eat well, exercise and get enough sleep. Make time for family and friends and activities that you enjoy.

Even if your mood is low and you are feeling tired, it can help to push yourself to go out and spend time with other people.

While this may be the last thing you feel like doing – it can help you feel more positive.

  1. Find something to be grateful for.
  2. Remember that other people are just as stressed as you are and will offer support if you ask for it.
  3. Take a break from people and go outside, even if it is only for 10 minutes.
  4. Listen to a motivational podcast or read a motivational blog post.
  5. Do something you enjoy as a reward (in secret).
  6. Focus on the things you can control.
  7. Stop worrying about the things you can’t
  8. Banish negative thoughts, Keep specific difficult tasks small.
  9. Realize failure is part of life.
  10. Trust in your abilities to improve over time.

Q and A

How can I apply motivation psychology to my Business?

Motivation psychology is the scientific study of factors that determine and maintain human motivation. It can also be referred to as behavioral psychology. There are three factors that motivate people:

  • Ownership,
  • Skill Development, and
  • Meaning

Motivation is a good way to motivate businesses by offering them rewards and bonuses. This is why most jobs reward the people who do the best with either prizes or opportunities. Here are some good ways to motivate people in your own business.

How to motivate Customers?

Customers will often look to the business’ features and benefits before purchasing products. Features are the characteristics of a product or service that helps differentiate it from others, whereas benefits for a customer result from the customer’s use of the product or service.

You can improve your value creation by applying psychological factors, such as motivation, self-concept, and learning.

What are the best types of motivation for Employees?

As it is rightly said by somebody that “employees are like foot-soldiers in the Company’s battle”. Without motivated staff, work culture suffers and ultimately company’s productivity also suffers.

So here we are to discuss certainly do’s and don’ts to motivate your employees so as to create a healthy environment in the office that will be conducive for the growth of the organization.

In fact, motivation for employees is an internal and individual process. I believe that each person is different and each person’s motivation is different.

Still, The best type of motivation for employees is to set employees up for success. We show employees how they participate in the success of our group and larger company, so they can see that their work matters.

Everything we do from hiring to on-boarding to training and performing reviews is aimed at creating a sustainable work environment where each employee feels valued in their role and can make a meaningful impact in the lives of the people we serve.

Some of the best ways to motivate employees to include:

  • Recognition Programs,
  • Employee Appreciation Days,
  • Variety of Incentives, and
  • Challenging Work

Fear of losing a job, fear of punishment, is very good incentives to get the work done but it is only effective in the short run. For long-term achievements, avoid the use of fear as a motivator at work.

Compensation is a big component, but it isn’t the only component when it comes to motivating employees. There is a wide range of different actions you can take, including:

1) Compensation based on performance

2) Training and development opportunities

3) Personal communication

4) Recognition You’ll want to determine what will work best with your company culture and with your employees. This may vary from employee to employee.

Research shows that the best way to keep employees motivated is to provide them with an environment where they feel valued, where they are treated in an honest and supportive manner and where they have the chance to become involved in decision-making at their workplace.

It’s also important for managers to set clear objectives for their employees and ensure that their subordinates have both the time and the resources necessary to reach those goals.

According to a study by the Forest and Park Services, the number one motivator for employees was actually giving them a reason to work, which fell under the category of “Meaningfulness.”

So when you’re looking for ways to motivate your employees, think about imbuing their jobs with meaning beyond just making money for the company.

What are the best types of motivation for Managers?

Motivation for managers is linked to the motivation of staff. Managers who can understand what motivates their staff can get the best out of them by understanding their needs.

For managers, the best types of motivation are incentives. An incentive motivates employees to perform because it gives them something for their efforts. Therefore, an incentive is a goal that an employee is working toward in return for performance.

Financial reward is usually the key method of motivating employees but there are many other techniques available to a manager. Motivating different types of people requires different skills and as such, this is an area that requires great research and understanding.

Hence, we believe the best way to motivate managers is to provide concrete evidence that their efforts are having a positive effect on their team or organization.

The Leadership Challenge 360, for instance, is a team-based assessment that uses peer feedback to illuminate how others perceive them as leaders. I’ve also seen great success with meaningful peer coaching and mentoring relationships.

What are the best types of motivation in Education?

A traditional answer to this question is that we are extrinsically or intrinsically motivated. We may be swayed by earning a reward or avoiding punishment.

Student motivation has been found to be the best predictor of student learning. Research has shown that teachers can motivate students.

Student motivation is usually defined by the student’s desire to learn, involvement in school and classroom activities, and positive attitudes toward the learning experience.

I think that personal motivation is the best. In personal motivation, a person his/herself motivates himself/herself to do something. He designs his own schedules and habits for doing things. He sets targets beforehand and then seeks to complete them within a specific period of time.

Take Away

The conclusion for motivation psychology is that a person has needs and wants that must be satisfied. To achieve your goals, you must set goals in order to achieve something that you want in life whether it be short or long term.

It is a strong drive that pushes you to reach your goal. It contributes to the length of time and effort you put forth toward achieving the goal, as well as the strategy employed to achieve it.

The above article includes ample relevant details on motivation psychology notes, motivation psychology example, motivation psychology ppt, motivation theory, importance of motivation in psychology, definition of motivation in psychology by different authors, learning and motivation psychology, motivation psychology quiz.


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