Self-Help Psychology | 8 Best Life-saving self-help Tips for You

Self-Help Psychology | Life-saving self-help Tips

You will find here some life-saving self-help advises. Self-Help Psychology Tips can be very useful in shaping a healthy future for you.

Self-Help Psychology, and Best Life-saving self-help Tips

“The ability of individuals, families, and communities to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and to cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a healthcare provider”- WHO.

According to a new study, many of our emotional traumas and physical ailments are caused by our everyday routines, which provide little time for self-care or care of health.

Looking after oneself or taking care of oneself simply entails taking a break from a long-term routine job, eating well, drinking plenty of water, exercising, getting adequate sleep, and, last but not least, establishing mental, physical, and social limits to avoid becoming over-stretched.

Broadly speaking, we can divide it into five major types of self care:

  • Physical Self-Care
  • Mental Self-Care
  • Social Self-Care
  • Spiritual Self-Care, and
  • Emotional Self-Care

Self-care or self-care mental health is essential. Your life gets monotonous as you conduct daily routine tasks, burn more calories than you consume, and sleepless nights become a regular occurrence. You unknowingly welcome a slew of health problems that grow chronic over time and make your life unpleasant.

Small ailments like insomnia, indigestion, hypertension, and restlessness can creep into your life and stifle its progress if they are ignored. Things may get worse if you continue to ignore your health or refuse to seek medical help.

No wonder you may find it difficult to find time for self-care at first, given your busy work schedule, family, and social obligations, but creating a practical timetable and setting aside enough time for yourself in between the hectic hours can come in handy without interfering with your regular job.

You might think about your entire day’s routine and try to organize it into a schedule that works for you.
Medical professionals advise that you should not cancel your job schedule for a day or a week in order to acquire the greatest outcomes. Rather, you must adopt a holistic approach to self-care and adhere to the nine easy guidelines on a daily basis.

Golden Rules for Self-Help Psychology

The nine Golden Rules you must follow are given as under:

Rule 1

Get appropriate sleep on a daily basis

When you’re overworked, you’re less likely to prioritize self-care, and your sleep suffers as a result. Without a good night’s sleep of 7-8 hours, you’re more prone to develop a variety of health problems.

In a word, getting enough sleep keeps your heart healthy, prevents cancer, lowers stress and inflammation, and, most importantly, improves your memory.


Perform a routine exercise

Make exercise a part of your daily routine. We don’t need to teach you about the benefits of exercise, so set aside 30 minutes each day, ideally in the morning, to accelerate your metabolism, make your face shine, control your blood pressure, and relieve unnecessary pressure on your brain-body.
You can also go for a daily 3-4 km brisk walk in the morning or evening, depending on your time available.

While walking, continue to inhale and exhale air to fill your lungs with fresh air, clean your lungs, improve blood circulation, and relax your thoughts.


Eat a Balanced Diet

Eating adequate nutritional food appears to have taken a back seat in today’s fast-paced lifestyle. People choose to consume easily available junk food that is high in fat and low in protein. Junk food causes an increase in headaches and migraines due to high sodium levels, acne, depression, and dental problems.

That is the reason doctors advise to take proper nutritious food daily. Your menu must include salads, green vegetables, fruits, and grains. Eat Fresh to Stay Healthy should be your guiding lines all through your life to ensure a long and healthy life, glowing skin, strong teeth, healthy eyes, strong muscles and bones, low risk of heart-related problems, and excellent digestion.


Develop Strong Social Bond

Researchers have proved that having strong social bonds fosters mental and physical health.

Besides, regulating your routine life by taking sound sleep, exercising, and eating nutritious food, you should also not forget to socialize.

Keeping in touch with friends, relatives, and well-wishers keeps you informed about what’s going on in the world, keeps you occupied with more exciting activities than your normal work, and allows you to disconnect from your mental demands and duties for a brief time.
You begin to see your life in a more meaningful light. Your friends and relatives may even provide simple solutions to problems that appear to be complicated.


Spare time for self-entertainment:

It is common knowledge that music has the ability to heal. Doctors have used “music therapy” to treat patients suffering from depression and other severe mental illnesses in the past.

When it comes to conquering difficulties related to mental stress and depression, listening to good music, seeing movies, and going out on weekends are more successful than medicine.


Spiritual Self-Care

Getting more and more involved in religious or spiritual activities enable you to start thinking about the worldly problems differently and develop mental satisfaction and peace. You feel closer to God while performing religious rituals, or attending religious events.

You start feeling that there is someone up there who looks after you and will come to your help when in need. This very confidence makes you energetic, and you start focusing on work.

Not to say, religious lifestyle is a healthy lifestyle.


Emotional Self-Care

Uncomfortable emotions like anger, anxiety, sadness etc. needs to be controlled. Expressing such feelings beyond a limit can do more harm than good to your health – mental as well as physical.

Hence, you must practice to control over your emotions; especially those which make others feel uncomfortable and express only up to the level what is essential.


Consult a Physician:

Seeing your doctor on a frequent basis, rather than suffering and attempting to solve your health-related problems on your own, is a good idea.

A doctor’s modest advise can save a person’s life. As a result, if you’re sad or experiencing any type of mental trauma, arrange an appointment with a qualified doctor and explain your situation to him.

Q and A

1. What does self-care entail?

Individuals, families, and communities’ abilities to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and cope with illness and disability with or without the assistance of a healthcare provider” – WHO

Q.2: How do you take care of yourself?

• Maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating nutritious meals, sleeping well, exercising regularly, and abstaining from drugs and alcohol.
• Maintain a healthy level of hygiene.
• Develop deep bonds with friends and relatives through socializing with them.
• Schedule some quality time for yourself on weekends to indulge in music, movies, pleasure, and whatever else you enjoy.

Q.3. Why self-care is so important?

Researchers have proved that proper self-care fosters resilience in life, lowers stress, and makes life more meaningful and enjoyable.

Q.4. What causes a lack of self-care?

Broadly speaking, brain injury, dementia, or mental illness can be major causes for lack of self-care. Any mental or physical problem can affect a person’s abilities for self-care.

Q.5. How do I know if I need self-care?

You need self-care, if:

  • Your mental stress becomes persistent.
  • Your well-wishers start saying that you’re working too hard or suggest you take a break.

You are working over 10 hours daily, and still you feel that there are lots of work yet to be done.

Q. 6. What are the Nine Golden Self-Care Rules?

1. Stay hydrated

2. Get enough sleep every night

3. Eat nutritious foods

4. Exercise and workout on a regular basis

5. Establish strong social ties

6. Make time for self-indulgence

7. Spiritual Self-care

8. Emotional Self-care

9. Consult a Physician

Take Away

“Life is too brief, so enjoy it to the utmost,”- Shakespeare, William

The irrational desire to live a luxurious existence often saps all of life’s vitality. People waste their lives attempting to gain more money than is required to provide them with a happy life. It is critical to set limits to one’s ambitions and to savor each and every day; time is a finite resource.

The above article gives a useful account of the importance of self-care, self-care tips, self-care plans, self-care examples, types of self-care, and self-care mental health. Besides, it also deals with self help psychology books, psychological self help pdf,  self help for depression, self help examples, self help system, self help cbt.


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